Modular Prosthetic Limb v3 HDT Global
Device use type: Collaboration / Self Serve
Location: W7-079, W7-081, ECERF
Description: A sensorized anthropometric robotic arm used for researching improvements to neural interfaces and robotic prostheses.
Manufacturer Link: Prosthetic Arm | HDT Global
17 active degrees of freedom including shoulder abduction/flexion, humeral rotation, elbow flexion, forearm rotation, radial/ulnar deviation, wrist flexion, and fully articulated fingers/thumbs
Fingertip and thumb-tip sensors (force and vibration)
Torque and impedance sensors for each joint
Mass: Hand (1.4kg) and Upper Arm (3.4kg)
Payload Capacity (wrist active): 5kg
Cylindrical Grasp Force: 310N
Hourly fees for use:
SMART Network: $60
Academic: $90
Industry: $180