Piezo Brush PZ3 Surface Activator

Device use type: 1

Location: 5-055 Katz Group Centre


Description: Piezobrush® PZ3 has been designed as a compact plasma handheld device for use in laboratories, predevelopment and assembly of small series. With a maximum power consumption of 18 W, the Piezoelectric Direct Discharge (PDD®) technology is used to generate cold active plasma at a temperature of less than 50°C. The heart of this portable plasma device is the TDK piezo plasma generator CeraPlas™ – a high-voltage discharge device for generating cold atmospheric-pressure plasma. Plasma is used to increase the surface energy of many materials with high efficiency, as well as to reduce germs and odors.

Fields of application

  • Joining technology

  • Development and optimization of production processes

  • Research facilities and laboratories

  • Microbiology, microfluidics and food technology

  • Medical and dental technology

  • Prototype and architectural model making

  • Small-scale production

Possible use cases

  • Activation and functionalization of surfaces of various materials

  • Improvement of wettability

  • Optimization of bonding, painting, printing and coating processes

  • Surface treatment of plastics, glass, ceramics, metals, semiconductors, natural fibres and composite materials

  • Ultra-fine cleaning and odour reduction

The table below shows the surface energy of different plastics. In each case, the surface energy is shown after treatment with the piezobrush® PZ3, the plasmabrush® PB3 (plasma high-performance system) and without prior plasma treatment.

Manufacturer Link:

Features: PiezoBrush PZ3 · plasma handheld for manual use

Hourly fees for use:

SMART Network: $7.5

Academic: $15

Industry: $30