How do I manually create an SMART Labs Project and Add Users?
What is an SMART Labs Project?
SMART Labs Projects are used to group together related charges within the center. Each project belongs to a specific group who will be financially responsible for any charges. Users are added to projects in order to allow them to do work or request resources. Projects can be configured with a number of options the will determine the amount of work authorized, or the timeframe for which the project will remain active. Projects can be managed via SMART Labs by group managers/owners.
You must be a manager or owner of a group in SMART Labs (How to create a group)
You must have financial responsibly of the project
How do I manually create an SMART Labs Project?
Log into SMART Labs
Click on “Create New Project” from the dropdown menu
Select the Primary Group the project will be created under
Create a Project Name
Select the appropriate project type for the project
SMART Network - A project in the SMART Network
Academic - A project that is directly affiliated with an academic institution
Industry - A project that is part of a private entity/business
Set optional project spending caps
Set optional spending warnings
Set optional end date
Add comments
Create Project
How do I manually add users to my project?
You must be the manager of an existing project
Users to be added must already have registered into SMART Labs.
On the home screen navigate to the “Manage” tab then click on “Managed Projects”
Click the name of the project you would like to add users to.
Click on the “Users” tab
Begin typing a users name in the field shown. Click on their name once it comes up. If a users name does not come up they have not registered into the system yet.
When their name has been shown in the box, click “Add User(s)”
The user should now show up on the left side of the users page. Click on their name to access the popup shown below and edit their permissions. Note: New users added to group will be inactive. They must be active to work under the project.