Getting Started for New Users

Welcome to the SMART Labs!

The SMART Network is home to over 100 pieces of specialized equipment and tools that are open for groups and individuals to use after being trained by skilled members of our team. SMART Labs was created to make it easier to access the equipment and tools from the many facilities of the SMART Network by bringing everything together in one place. What makes the SMART Labs unique is the access to multidisciplinary tooling in the same facility. 

This page was created to help you get started using SMART Labs quickly and easily.

Before starting, please read over our polices found here.

How do I start using equipment in the SMART Labs System?

In order for a user to reserve equipment in the system they must meet the following criteria.

Those criteria are:

I’m was previously trained on a piece of equipment but have not been marked as trained on the system, how do I get set as trained to start logging my hours on it?

A forum has been created that can be found here:

Please note, your trainer will be contacted to verify.