The SMART Labs LMACS (Laboratory Management Access Control System) is open to application for the general public and is not limited to members of the SMART Network or academic institutions.

SMART Labs LMACS was created to make the tools and equipment of the SMART Network more accessible for it’s members but also to share its equipment with other academic institutions as well as private industry and the public (applications pending). No where else is there a concentration of accessible multidisciplinary tooling in the same facility and at a reasonable rate.

Pricing for training and equipment usage will vary depending on the type of user you are. SMART Network members will receive prime rates on training and equipment, followed by academic rates and then industry rates. Pricing is available in the LMACS system, the general pricing document and at the bottom of the equipment pages on this site.

  • If you’re unsure what rate group you or your group may fall under please click “here”

SMART labs offers hands on training for those individuals who are looking to purse extensive or frequent work on the equipment. Training cost will vary by equipment as some require more training to be able to use it safely without the need for a staff member present at all times, the duration of training will be decided by your assigned trainer. For those who are looking to have a few samples analyzed or units made there is the fee for service option where a member of staff will be able to perform the work on the specified piece of equipment. For our extremally specialized pieces of equipment, collaborations with the lab that owns the equipment are possible as well.

The majority of actions in LMACS revolve around “Requests”, they can be used to inquire about equipment, report issues, training, manufacturing and much more.

  • To learn more about Requests click “here



Most of the equipment in the SMART Network falls in at least one of these three categories below.

Type 1 - Self Service

Type 2 - Fee for Service

Type 3 - Collaboration

Devices with the self service option are able to be used by an individual after requesting training on the device in LMACS with a staff member. Some tools may require multiple training sessions and it will be up to the trainer to determine when the user is deemed proficient to obtain a “Trained” designation on the device. Once a user is “Trained” the users are able to reserve the equipment using the LMACS.

This is used for devices that training is not available for or when a user needs a very limited number of results or units and it maybe impractical to be trained on the device for the limited run. Users may opt for this service for very specific or advanced results as well. Requests can be made through LMACS for this service and quotes are always made before work is performed.

Some highly specialized devices maybe available to be used as the base devices used in studies and papers. These devices may be custom made or can greatly benefit from having a researcher with prior experience with it. Pricing on these devices are on a case by case bases. Request for collaboration or information on these devices can be made in LMACS.