Lecia M205C with Digital Camera

Device use type: Self Serve

Location: 5-055 Katz Group Centre


Description: Lecia optical microscope with digital camera attachment. Connect via USB to a computer.

Manufacturer Link: Leica M125 C, M165 C, M205 C, M205 A - Tech Specs | Products | Leica Microsystems (leica-microsystems.com)


Zoom: 20.5:1

Variable magnification steps: x0.78, x1, x1.25, x1.6, x2,x2.5, x3.2, x4, x5, x6.3, x8, x10, x12.5, x16

Visible Structure Width: 475 nm


Hourly fees for use:

SMART Network: $5

Academic: $10

Industry: $20