5 DOF Bento Arm
Device use type: 1 & 3 (Self Service & Collaboration)
Location: BLINC Lab - Katz 5-043
Description: The Bento Arm is comprised of five MX series dynamixels, off-the-shelf dynamixel brackets and custom 3D printed links, brackets and arm shells. The 3D printed parts have been designed to print on the commonly available reprap 3D printers in the PLA material. The parts were designed support-free, so that very little clean up is required. This system is controlled using a custom software known as BrachIOplexus developed by the BLINC lab, which is a simple windows desktop application for users that want to control our robots out of the box without necessarily having to jump into coding right away. The arm can be controlled using various input devices including myo armband and console joystick.
Manufacturer Link: Overview
Maximum grasp of 10N
Custom Control software, BrachIOplexus
Support UDP communication
Matlab’s Simulink Realtime
Robot Operating System (ROS)
Joystick control
Myo-Armband control
Hourly fees for use:
Rates marked with an "*" are subject to change/approval.