LiCor Odyssey CLx Infrared Scanner

Device use type: 1 (Self Service)

Location: 5-055 Katz Group Centre - Biological Testing


The infrared scanner is used to scan any gel, membrane, or transparent plate in the infrared spectrum stained with appropriate dyes. There are 2 availble channels - red (700nm) and green (800nm). IRDyes can be commerically purchased for a variety of applications including DNA and RNA gels, Western Blots, and in-well fluorescence. The intutative software package makes data analysis simple and straight forward.

Manufacturer Link: Odyssey® DLx | LICORbio™


Scan surface approximately 25cm * 25cm.

Scan time can be adjusted based on depth of resolution required.

2 infrared channels can be run together or seperate (700nm and 800nm).

Uses a diode laser.

Hourly fees for use:

SMART Network: $5

Academic: $10

Industry: $20