Allevi 3 Bioprinter
Device use type: 1 (Self Service)
Location: Biological Testing - Katz 5-055
Description: The Allevi 3 bioprinter empowers you to print any cell line, into any geometry for any application that you can imagine. Allevi 3 will exceed your needs today and has the versatility to grow with your work.
Designed and optimized for:
Biomedical Devices | Bone and Cartilage | Dentistry |
Disease modeling | Drug testing | Electroactive tissue |
Heart valves | Microfluidics | Organoids |
Organ on a chip | Pharmaceutical development | Soft tissues |
Tissue engineering | Vasculature | Regenerative medicine |
Manufacturer Link: Allevi 3 - Allevi (
Extruders :3 × Allevi CORE Extruder
Photocuring :LED – 365nm and 405nm
Printing Technology :Fused Deposition Manufacturing (FDM)
Compatible Syringes :5 mL plastic, 5 mL metal
Min. Temp: 4? C
Max. Temp: 160? C
Min. Pressure: 1 PSI
Max. Pressure: 120 PSI
Pressure Variance ±0.1 PSI
Heated Bed Temperature: Ambient – 60? C
Construction: Aluminum Frame
X, Y Precision: 1 ?m
Z Precision: 1 ?m
Build Volume (W × H × D): 3.5 × 2.4 × 5.1 in (42.8 in³)
Build Volume Metric (W × H × D): 9 × 6 × 13 cm (702 cm³)
Supported Build Plates: Slide, Petri Dish, Well Plate
Hourly fees for use:
SMART Network: $5
Academic: $10
Industry: $20