Leica Epifluorescent Microscope
Device use type: Self Serve / Fee for Service
Location: 5-055 Katz Group Centre
Description: Bright-field and fluorescent microscope that uses an LED light source and filter cubes for visualization of sample slides (thin tissue sections or cells). Can easily toggle between light sources.
Runs the Leica LAS software on attached computer.
Manufacturer Link: https://www.leica-microsystems.com/products/light-microscopes/p/leica-dm4000-b-led/
Objectives from 1.6x-100x magnification(1.6, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 100x)
Filters cubes: DAPI (Em 440 nm), L5/GFP (Em 530 nm), RHOD (Em 590 nm), Y5 (Em 660 nm)
Hourly fees for use:
SMART Network: $5
Academic: $10
Industry: $20