Vibrasens VB200

Device use type: 1 & 3

Location: BLINC Lab Katz 5-043


Description: Functional Proprioceptive Stimulations (FPS) are applied on the musculo-tendinous junction. FPS mechanically stimulate the muscle spindles, mimicking the sensory signals. This neurosensory trick activates related sensory-motor areas allowing patients to feel natural movements. Because sensory & motor systems are interdependent, the CNS then reacts by initiating corresponding movements. These focal stimulations are used for the treatment of pain by the stimulation of skin mecanoreceptors & the gate control effect. Stimulations are applied in the middle of the antagonist muscle to the spastic one.


-The vibration frequency can be varied 15 – 115 Hz

-6 operating modes including a manual mode

-Amplitude is 1 mm

Hourly fees for use:

SMART Network: $15

Academic: $30

Industry: $60