Indego Explorer Exoskeleton with FES Stimulation
Device use type: Collaboration
Location: 5-032 Katz Group Centre
Description: Indego Therapy is a lower limb powered exoskeleton which enables therapists to offer task specific and intensive gait training. Sophisticated motors in the knee and hip joints, combined with advanced sensors and control strategies, allow individuals with weakness or paralysis in their lower extremities to stand and walk again.
Manufacturer Link: Website:
Power: Rechargeable Li-ion battery provides a day of clinical use
Maximum Weight: Assembled device: 39 lb (17.7 kg)
Hip width range: 13.3” - 16.6” (34 - 42.2 cm)
Upper leg length range: 14.6” - 19.3” (37 - 49 cm)
Lower leg length range: 16.5” - 21.7” (42 - 55 cm
Patient Requirements
Height range: 5'1" – 6'3" (155 – 191 cm)
Maximum weight: 250 lb (113 kg)
Maximum hip width: 16.6" (42.2 cm)
Femur length: 14" – 18.5" (35 – 47 cm)
Spasticity score: Modified Ashworth score 3 or lower
Sufficient upper body strength to balance and advance with forearm crutches,
front-wheeled walker or platform walker
For complete and incomplete spinal cord injured individuals C7 or below and
individuals with hemiplegia (with motor function of 4/5 in at least one upper
extremity) due to cerebrovascular accident (CVA) in the U.S.
Hourly fees for use:
SMART Network: $20
Academic: $40
Industry: $80